Case sensitive folder names in OS X

I have two folders on a Tomcat server:



(I know it is bad practice to use upper case, but it is out of my control)

Both directories are hosted on the server and there is no problem.

The problem arises when I need to store them on a SVN. When I try hosting both folders in the same directory, they overwrite each other, because they have the same name.

Is there any way of changing OS X so that file/folder names are case sensitive?

Solution 1:

HFS+ supports both case-sensitivity and case-insensitivity. You can select which when creating the partition in Disk Some applications (infamously: Adobe products) break when you switch to case sensitivity.

To clarify: You would need to reformat the disk. It's not some switch hidden in System Preferences or anything like that.

Solution 2:

To get case sensitivity you're going to need to switch the file system from HFS+ to UFS.

This article briefly explains the differences.