Word 2010 Formatting Table of Contents

You can edit the table styles. Each time you generate the Table of Contents (TOC) it will use the new style.

  • Select the References Tab and click Table of Contents
  • Select the Insert New Table of Contents from the bottom of the menu.
  • Choose the Format that's the best match for what you want as a starting point
  • If you want to make more changes, click Modify
  • Select the level of the TOC that you want to change; there is one for each level in the TOC
  • Click Modify (on the second dialog)
  • Change the formatting of the style. You can do a lot from this dialog, but if you need more control, click the Format button at the bottom.
  • Click OK to save the changes.
  • Repeat for other levels of the TOC.

Later on if you want to modify the styles, you can do this from the Styles dialog. Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S or click on the thingy in the lower right corner of the Styles tool on the Home tab.

If you wind up creating a lot of documents where you want the same styles, you can create your own template file. You can save styles in a template file so when you create a new document all those styles will be available to you.