Get mac address of detected bluetooth devices

How can I find out the mac addresses of all bluetooth devices the adapter has detected?

Some possiblilites:

  • BluetoothCL (command line)
  • BluetoothView (GUI)
  • BluetoothLogView (GUI, with logging)

BluetoothCL from Nirsoft

BluetoothCL is a small console application that dumps all current detected bluetooth devices into the standard output. For each Bluetooth device, the following information is displayed: MAC Address, Name, Major Device Type, Minor Device Type, and optionally the company name of the device (if external file of MAC addresses - oui.txt is provided)

Example output:

F:\test>"c:\apps\WSCC\NirSoft Utilities\bluetoothcl"
BluetoothCL v1.07
Copyright (c) 2009 - 2014 Nir Sofer
Web Site:

BluetoothCL -timeout [seconds]

-timeout is optional parameter. The default value is 15 seconds.

Scanning bluetooth devices... please wait.

e4:90:7e:e3:fe:73    Phone           Smart           XT1068


Source BluetoothCL

BluetoothView from Nirsoft:

BluetoothView is a small utility that runs in the background, and monitor the activity of Bluetooth devices around you. For each detected Bluetooth device, it displays the following information: Device Name, Bluetooth Address, Major Device Type, Minor Device Type, First Detection Time, Last Detection Time, and more.

BluetoothView can also notify you when a new Bluetooth device is detected, by displaying a balloon in your taskbar or by playing a small beep sound.

Example output:

enter image description here

Source BluetoothView

BluetoothLogView, also from Nirsoft:

BluetoothLogView is a small utility that monitors the activity of Bluetooth devices around you, and displays a log of Bluetooth devices on the main window.

Every time that a new Bluetooth device arrives to your area and when the device leaves your area, a new log line is added with the following information: Device Name, Device Address, Event Time, Event Type ('Device Arrival' or 'Device Left'), Device Type, and the company that created the device.

BluetoothLogView also allows you to specify a description for every device (according to its MAC address) that will appear under the 'Description' column.

Source BluetoothLogView


I am not affiliated with Nirsoft in any way, I am just an end user of their software.