Removing an application from homebrew-cask

Homebrew-cask provides the possibility for users to conveniently install the applications with GUI, I want to confirm that: while I try to uninstall a software which was installed by homebrew-cask, will it remove those Application Supports, Caches, or related files too?

By the way, If I manually update a software (which was installed by cask) without using command provided by cask, will it corrupt the cask function (such as updating that software in the future with cask again)?

For full remove try:

brew cask zap any_program

Manual update should not corrupt anything. It updates the same program copy which was installed by cask.

No, uninstalling from brew-cask’s uninstall command will not remove the files in Application Support, Caches, Preferences etc. For that you’ll need a third party app, like AppCleaner or iTrash. I just delete one app this way and it didn’t even remove the symlink it made to the ~/Applications/ folder.

Though homebrew cask is an easy solution for installing app, it’ not perfect. On the man page of brew-cask you can read about the problems with uninstall command. You can use the zap command that does a little more than uninstall but that too has limitations, see the man page.

I don’t know if updating app will corrupt, have never tried it. You might have to fetch information for the cask using the command, or even re-install it with fetch —-force.

To remove an application cask via Homebrew-cask, run this command: brew uninstall --force --cask <cask_name>