I want to make VLC my default player on Mac OS X 10.10.3

Solution 1:

Right click on any movie file you have.

Get Info

At the bottom of that window you will see the current app used to open it.

Change to VLC and use the "Change all"

enter image description hereenter image description here

You need to repeat that for all movie files that have different extension.

Normally you would have .fvl, the .mov, and maybe some other formats.

Solution 2:

I just tested a m4v file with VLC Version 2.2.1 and it works fine. (Not sure what type of media files you are trying to open) So here is what I did:

Right click or ctrl+click on the media file Open with > VLC VLC Open with from Finder

The file opened just fine. To open ALL files by that type: Use the Get Info option. (in the picture) From there you can select Change All

Change all to use VLC with all files of this type.

I hope this is useful to you in solving your issue.