Single-word adjective for "which should be repaired"

I'm looking for a term to characterise things which should be repaired. I am also looking for an antonym to go with it.

Imagine I have two boxes, one with phones which should be repaired and the second with others. I have to label each box with a single short word because the boxes are very small.

Repairable does not work because it describes things which can be repaired. So what are your recommendations?

Solution 1:


For the other box, working.

If you are in the USA, you'll want something more complicated sounding. So: inoperative. Operative.

Solution 2:

You could label the box with any of the verbs fix, mend, fix up, repair, service, etc.

Edit: For a box with items in good working order, consider OK and good. For a box with items beyond hope, consider shot (“(colloquial) Worn out or broken”) and parts. You could have a box labeled OK, a box labeled Fix, and a box labeled Shot.

Source for quotes and links: Wiktionary

Solution 3:

"To be" would make the form of the adjective that you want; in this case "To be repaired" or for a shorter one, "To be fixed", but as far as I know, English doesn't have that kind of structure to provide the adjective you want with a suffix or so.

Solution 4:

For the box of things that should be repaired you could use Salvage

salvage transitive verb : to save (something valuable or important) : to prevent the loss of (something)

"salvage." 2014. In Retrieved July 8, 2014

But this definition of salvage might be better


— n 2. a. the act of saving any goods or property in danger of damage or destruction, "salvage," in Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. Source location: HarperCollins Publishers. Available: Accessed: July 08, 2014.

For the box of things that should not be repaired you could uses Spares

Spare noun 20. a spare thing, part, etc., as an extra tire for emergency use., "Spares," in Unabridged.Source location: Random House, Inc. July 08, 2014.

Solution 5:

I think the clearest, shortest way to say it is For Repair