What do you call “I'll not feed you by my own hand” in English

I don’t know how to describe this properly. I just translated what description to English that I use in my native language (Bangla/বাংলা)

The situation is like this: Some people always need others’ help to do things. They seek help for every little step. If you aggregate the help, you'll find that they didn't do anything by themselves. They got someone to help them to do every small task.

For example, Robert asks Andrew how to post question on https://english.stackexchange.com/. Then he asks where to type the title even though the Title input label is seen very clearly. After that Robert will ask “Hey Andrew, Could you tell me some good title sentences that I can put here?” It goes on.

Robert is not actually asking questions. He is asking for so many details that it makes Andrew do the whole task.

My question is how to tell Andrew, “I can not feed you every time by my own hand”?

Is there any single word? Any idiom?

I think the idiom you are looking for is:

I can't keep spoon-feeding you forever.

I think what you are looking for is hand-holding:

: solicitous attention, support, or instruction

This is more general. If you are indeed looking specifically for something about food, Jim is spot-on. You could also consider this Chinese proverb:

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.