How do I refresh software sources after adding a PPA

I'm looking to learn a new way to update sources without having to revert to the terminal or the software updater. When I'm trying to explain how to add a PPA to new users it sounds really silly having to do that.

The Ubuntu Software Center does auto update, but a few minutes "after" adding the PPA. Is there a way to click a button to refresh that instant?

First I want to declared that the easy, good, recommended, etc. way to do this is sudo apt-get update. Also you can enter sudo add-apt-repository ppa:the_name_of_ppa && sudo apt-get update to add the PPA and update at the same time.

Then the answer:

  1. Open Update-Manager from the dash DASH

    or use the gear icon on the Unity Bar, the menu selection you need will be the fourth one down, it will either say Software Up to Date or Updates Available (depending on if you have all your software up to date or not) here is a screen shot from my Desktop with all software up to date: Update manager in Unity Bar

  2. Either way you open it, now you should see the main window, then click on the Check button U-M