Two sets of parentheses after function call

Solution 1:

It means that the first function ($filter) returns another function and then that returned function is called immediately. For Example:

function add(x){
  return function(y){
    return x + y;

var addTwo = add(2);

addTwo(4) === 6; // true
add(3)(4) === 7; // true

Solution 2:

$filter('number') returns a function that accepts two arguments, the first being required (a number) and the second one being optional (the fraction size).

It's possible to immediately call the returned function:


Alternatively, you may keep the returned function for future use:

var numberFilter = $filter('number');


Solution 3:

It is the same as this:

var func = $filter('number');
func(number[, fractionSize]);

The $filter() function returns a pointer to another function.