Python's Logical Operator AND

Solution 1:

Python Boolean operators return the last value evaluated, not True/False. The docs have a good explanation of this:

The expression x and y first evaluates x; if x is false, its value is returned; otherwise, y is evaluated and the resulting value is returned.

Solution 2:

As a bit of a side note: (i don't have enough rep for a comment) The AND operator is not needed for printing multiple variables. You can simply separate variable names with commas such as print five, two instead of print five AND two. You can also use escapes to add variables to a print line such as print "the var five is equal to: %s" %five. More on that here:

Like others have said AND is a logical operator and used to string together multiple conditions, such as

if (five == 5) AND (two == 2):
    print five, two

Solution 3:

Boolean And operators will return the first value 5 if the expression evaluated is false, and the second value 2 if the expression evaluated is true. Because 5 and 2 are both real, non-false, and non-null values, the expression is evaluated to true.

If you wanted to print both variables you could concatenate them to a String and print that.

five = 5
two = 2
print five + " and " + two

Or to print their sum you could use

print five + two

This document explains how to use the logical Boolean operators.