Why does csvwriter.writerow() put a comma after each character?

This code opens the URL and appends the /names at the end and opens the page and prints the string to test1.csv:

import urllib2
import re
import csv

url = ("http://www.example.com")
bios = [u'/name1', u'/name2', u'/name3']
csvwriter = csv.writer(open("/test1.csv", "a"))

for l in bios:
    OpenThisLink = url + l
    response = urllib2.urlopen(OpenThisLink)
    html = response.read()
    item = re.search('(JD)(.*?)(\d+)', html)
    if item:
        JD = item.group()
        NoJD = "NoJD"

But I get this result:

J,D,",", ,C,o,l,u,m,b,i,a, ,L,a,w, ,S,c,h,o,o,l,....

If I change the string to ("JD", "Columbia Law School" ....) then I get

JD, Columbia Law School...)

I couldn't find in the documentation how to specify the delimeter.

If I try to use delimeter I get this error:

TypeError: 'delimeter' is an invalid keyword argument for this function

Solution 1:

It expects a sequence (eg: a list or tuple) of strings. You're giving it a single string. A string happens to be a sequence of strings too, but it's a sequence of 1 character strings, which isn't what you want.

If you just want one string per row you could do something like this:


This wraps JD (a string) with a list.

Solution 2:

The csv.writer class takes an iterable as it's argument to writerow; as strings in Python are iterable by character, they are an acceptable argument to writerow, but you get the above output.

To correct this, you could split the value based on whitespace (I'm assuming that's what you want)
