execution Vs. call Join point

Acutally the explanation is quite simple if you understand the basic difference between call() and execution() pointcuts: While the former intercepts all callers (i.e. the sources of method calls), the latter intercepts the calls themselves no matter where they originate from.

So how can the number of interceptions triggered by both pointcuts differ?

  • If you call JRE/JDK methods from your own code, AspectJ can weave into your calls, but not into the execution joinpoints within the JDK (unless you have created a woven JDK as a preparatory step). Thus, the number of calls will be higher than the number of executions.
  • Similarly, if you call methods in third party libraries which you have not woven with AspectJ because they were not on the in-path during LTW or CTW, again the executions will not be captured.
  • Last, but not least, it can happen the other way around if your own woven code is called by third party libs or by JRE/JDK classes. In this case the counted number of executions will be higher than the number of calls because they originate from places outside the control of your AspectJ code.

Generally, in all cases the reason is the difference between overall used code and the subset of woven code. In other words: the difference between code under and beyond your (or the aspects') control.

hy, this image might help you visualize the difference between execution and call: enter image description here