Node.js: close client connection

Solution 1:

Did you try:


on client?

Solution 2:

For version 1.4.5:

On server:

socket.on('end', function (){

On client:

var socket = io();

Solution 3:

There is no such thing as connection on server side and/or browser side. There is only one connection. If one of the sides closes it, then it is closed (and you cannot push data to a connection that is closed obviously).

Now a browser closes the connection when you leave the page (it does not depend on the library/language/OS you are using on the sever-side). This is at least true for WebSockets (it might not be true for long polling because of keep-alive but hopefuly handles this correctly).

If a problem like this happens, then I'm pretty sure that there's a bug in your own code (on the server side). Possibly you are stacking some event handlers where you should not.

Solution 4:


Only reboots the connection firing disconnect event on client side. But gets connected again.


Disconnect the connection from client. The client will keep trying to connect.