Efficient way to convert strings from split function to ints in Python

Solution 1:

My original suggestion with a list comprehension.

test = '8743-12083-15'
lst_int = [int(x) for x in test.split("-")]


As to which is most efficient (cpu-cyclewise) is something that should always be tested. Some quick testing on my Python 2.6 install indicates map is probably the most efficient candidate here (building a list of integers from a value-splitted string). Note that the difference is so small that this does not really matter until you are doing this millions of times (and it is a proven bottleneck)...

def v1():
 return [int(x) for x in '8743-12083-15'.split('-')]

def v2():
 return map(int, '8743-12083-15'.split('-'))

import timeit
print "v1", timeit.Timer('v1()', 'from __main__ import v1').timeit(500000)
print "v2", timeit.Timer('v2()', 'from __main__ import v2').timeit(500000)

> output v1 3.73336911201 
> output v2 3.44717001915

Solution 2:

efficient as in fewer lines of code?

(xval,yval,zval) = [int(s) for s in file.split('-')]

Solution 3:

You can map the function int on each substring, or use a list comprehension:

>>> file = '8743-12083-15'
>>> list(map(int, file.split('-')))
[8743, 12083, 15]
>>> [int(d) for d in file.split('-')]
[8743, 12083, 15]

In the above the call to list is not required, unless working with Python 3.x. (In Python 2.x map returns a list, in Python 3.x it returns a generator.)

Directly assigning to the three variables is also possible (in this case a generator expression instead of a list comprehension will do):

>>> xval, yval, zval = (int(d) for d in file.split('-'))
>>> xval, yval, zval
(8743, 12083, 15)