What happened to "Always refresh from server" in IE11 developer tools?

Refresh from Server button

It seems they have added the "Always Refresh from Server" button in the RTM version of IE11 that ships with Windows 8.1

It is found in the Network tab of the developer tools, 3rd button from the left.

March 12th, 2016 Update

The fourth icon from the left highlighted in blue Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10:

Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10

The fourth icon from the left highlighted in blue Internet Explorer 12 "Edge" on Windows 10:

Internet Explorer 12 on Windows 10

Older versions, IE11 and possibly IE10 on Windows 7 before a Windows Update:

The Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar was thankfully revised however apparently no one updated their answer so you can disable the cache here:

Revised Developer Tools for Internet Explorer 11

Hey you can set this setting in internet options. Under the general tab choose settings.

Browsing History

Then in settings choose 'Every time I visit the webpage', it should have the same effect.


Official version IE 11 windows 7 still has this problem. I have reported this at the IE forum
