Mysql query to dynamically convert rows to columns on the basis of two columns

If you had a known number of values for both order and item, then you could hard code the query into:

select id,
  max(case when `order` = 1 then data end) order1,
  max(case when `order` = 2 then data end) order2,
  max(case when `order` = 3 then data end) order3,
  max(case when item = 1 then price end) item1,
  max(case when item = 2 then price end) item2,
  max(case when item = 3 then price end) item3,
  max(case when item = 4 then price end) item4
from tableA
group by id;

See Demo. But part of the problem that you are going to have is because you are trying to transform multiple columns of data. My suggestion to get the final result would be to unpivot the data first. MySQL does not have an unpivot function but you can use a UNION ALL to convert the multiple pairs of columns into rows. The code to unpivot will be similar to the following:

select id, concat('order', `order`) col,  data value
from tableA
union all
select id, concat('item', item) col, price value
from tableA;

See Demo. The result of this will be:

| ID |    COL | VALUE |
|  1 | order1 |     P |
|  1 | order1 |     P |
|  1 | order1 |     P |
|  1 |  item1 |    50 |
|  1 |  item2 |    60 |
|  1 |  item3 |    70 |

As you can see this has taken the multiple columns of order/data and item/price and convert it into multiple rows. Once that is completed, then you can convert the values back into columns using an aggregate function with a CASE:

select id, 
  max(case when col = 'order1' then value end) order1,
  max(case when col = 'order2' then value end) order2,
  max(case when col = 'order3' then value end) order3,
  max(case when col = 'item1' then value end) item1,
  max(case when col = 'item2' then value end) item2,
  max(case when col = 'item3' then value end) item3
  select id, concat('order', `order`) col,  data value
  from tableA
  union all
  select id, concat('item', item) col, price value
  from tableA
) d
group by id;

See Demo. Finally, you need to convert the above code into a dynamic prepared statement query:

SET @sql = NULL;
      'max(case when col = ''',
      ''' then value end) as `', 
      col, '`')
  ) INTO @sql
  select concat('order', `order`) col
  from tableA
  union all
  select concat('item', `item`) col
  from tableA

SET @sql = CONCAT('SELECT id, ', @sql, ' 
                    select id, concat(''order'', `order`) col,  data value
                    from tableA
                    union all
                    select id, concat(''item'', item) col, price value
                    from tableA
                  ) d
                  group by id');

PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;

See SQL Fiddle with demo. This gives a result:

| ID | ORDER1 | ORDER2 | ORDER3 | ITEM1 | ITEM2 |  ITEM3 |  ITEM4 |
|  1 |      P |      Q | (null) |    50 |    60 |     70 | (null) |
|  2 |      P | (null) |      S |    50 |    60 | (null) |     80 |