How can I create a keyboard shortcut for LaunchPad on OS X Lion (10.7)?

Solution 1:

You can also set a shortcut of your choosing by adjusting Lion's built-in keyboard preferences. If you go to System Preferences --> Keyboard, one of the settings menus on the left side bar is for Launchpad & Dock.

Make sure the check box next to 'Show Launchpad' is selected, then double click to the right under the listed shortcut to turn dock hiding on/off. You'll see a data entry box selected, and you can then enter whatever shortcut you'd like.

Solution 2:

I had the same problem. No matter where I clicked or how many times, the text box to enter the shortcut never opened. What did finally work was to click on "Restore Defaults." This must have cleared away some old setting that was preventing the change, because I was able to add the shortcut for Launchpad without any problem after that.