What is the format for logging into a domain account in OS X?

At the login screen, how do I login to a domain account?

For example, on Windows the username might be something like [email protected], where the domain is contoso.local.

Edit: The AD username happens to be the same as a local username.

Solution 1:

You need to set up Network Account Server settings in Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Options.

In the company I work for I can either use DOMAIN\username or username@DOMAIN when logging in to the AD on from a Windows Machine, but on the Mac this is not required. I just type in username and my AD password, and it logs me in.

Solution 2:

I've been having the same issue today and I believe I've resolved this (Yosemite).

I've got my local user (user.name) and my domain user (domain.local\user.name). I've added to OD auth correctly without issue.

When I attempt to log in with my domain user (domain.local\user.name) it rejects me for an invalid password. I tried out the password for my local user, and it worked, but threw an error when loading the desktop.

I've right clicked on the user under "Users & Groups" and gone into "Advanced Options" (which I found completely by accident). I then modified my "Full Name" - which was user.name - to be user.name.local.

After rebooting the machine, all worked and I could log into the domain user with the correct password without issue.

One thing to note here is that I didn't have to change the "Username" in advanced options here. There may be ramifications to this - see this Apple support KB for more information.