Configuring the Dock to be Spaces-centric

3 questions in one, so I numbered your points to make answering easier…

  1. Set the app's space compliance to None [right click the app in the Dock]

enter image description here

  1. 1) Mac apps don't do that, no new instance will be created unless none exists.
    2) Can only be done if the compliance is set to All Desktops - but that means it will always follow you around; probably not what you want.

  2. Focus will switch to that app, whatever Space it is running in. There is no way to change that behaviour.

Pro Tips…

Click/hold the title bar of any app & use a key command to switch Space
- by default Ctrl ⌃ num will bring the app with you to that requested Space

Personally, I find separate Spaces per display untenable, so have it switched off. My monitors switch in pairs…

enter image description here