How do I get information specific to CPU core via command

Suppose we have one CPU with 2 cores. I seek dynamic scheduling information such as Processes, IO time, IDLE Time, System Time as allocated time specific cores as opposed to aggregated or averaged to a multi core CPU.

Below I have prepared a command but it is giving above information on CPU level and not on core level.

sh-3.2# top -l 15 | grep -i "Processes" | tail -2

Processes: 387 total, 2 running, 385 sleeping, 1677 threads

Processes: 386 total, 2 running, 384 sleeping, 1672 threads

You can install the program htop from Homebrew, which will give you this information.

When you have Homebrew installed, run the following command to install:

brew install htop

Afterwards you can run the program like this:


If you go into the Setup menu by typing S and select Display Options, you can enable detailed CPU information. The CPU usage bar then displays information about the CPU usage, system (i.e. kernel) time, io time, etc.