Steam repeatedly pauses downloads

The problem: when I am downloading anything with Steam, no matter where I am or what I am connected to, it pauses the download after a few seconds.


  • Select item to download
  • Navigate to library -> downloads
  • [probz] Game is displayed "downloading", network speed listed, etc (normal behavior)
  • [see Picture 1 below]
  • After a few seconds, game stops downloading
  • Game is now listed as "update required (not queued)"
  • [see Picture 2 below]
  • Click "move to top of queue"
  • goto [probz]

Picture 1

enter image description here

Picture 2

enter image description here

I can workaround this by babysitting the "move to top of queue" button but for large games this isn't practical.

Things I have tried:

  • Wired connection
  • Using a different network (many, many different networks)
  • Changing Steam download server/location
  • Reinstalling Steam
  • Deleting tons of Steam files and redownloading them
  • Freeing up disk space
  • Changing download speed/limit on Steam
  • Stopping background programs/other internet accessors
  • Adding "-tcp" flag to Steam launch options
  • Running as administrator
  • Crying

This is a problem I've been having for some time and have tried many solutions (see above). I'd love to see a definitive solution to it, especially since I pretty much can't play any game > 1 gb.

OS: Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit

System: Lenovo T420 (laptop), Intel i7-2620M, 8gb ram, NVIDIA NVS 4200M

Connection: Up to 45 mpbs AT&T UVerse (usually clocks in at around 30-something)

EDIT: I would like to note that I used to work in CS (see my Stack Overflow profile), so I do know how to do things like "make sure your internet connection works", "don't let other programs hog bandwidth", and "disable background processes". Because my internet connection works perfectly for everything else I do, including high-bandwith activities (gaming, netflix, other downloading) I would guess that it is not the problem. Especially since I can workaround through queue babysitting (see above). The ONLY problem I have is with Steam, and ONLY when downloading new games.

Thanks for the suggestions so far.

Solution 1:

Try disabling ANY processes that might interfere with your downloading (I fixed mine by disabling Skype). You can find the processes here: Let me know if this helped!

Solution 2:

Have you tried changing the download restrictions Steam asks you for when changing the download region?

enter image description here

You can get there by clicking Steam --> Settings --> Downloads

When you change your region, you should be prompted to change your download speed (Modem towards faster speed, Dial-Up towards slower.

Could be the issue you're having. I have had this issue previously, but by changing my download speed to No limit (despite having an average 2mb/s), it helped fix it.

I would daresay this though; it seems plenty of others are having the same issues as you have as well, albeit for different reasons.