Can StarCraft 2 be played offline?

Starcraft 2 can be played offline, as long as you have logged in at least once.

Attempting to log in without an internet connection will give you the following screen:

Screenshot of "Can't Connect to" prompt

Playing "Play Offline" at this point will allow you to:

  • Play all Campaign and Challenge missions.
  • Play Custom Games vs. the AI
  • Play Any Arcade maps you have previously played (or can otherwise be found on your computer).

You will not be able to:

  • Earn Achievements
  • Earn Experience for your Starcraft 2 profile
  • Play LAN games, or otherwise invite anyone else into custom games.

I was able to play SC2 offline all the way up until just recently, the last update seems to have made it where you have to connect to battlenet and authenticate your game, which is extremely annoying because my internet doesn't always work good.