Which text editors take advantage of Lion's Versions feature?

TexShop, the Latex editor, now supports Lion versions. It is not a general Text Editor but can be used as such and supports many of the features you requested.


Aptana is geared towards web development (html, javascript, css, php, ...) . It's based on Eclipse, which has build-in automatic version history, so I guess Aptana has it too.

Using the version feature (to either replace or compare the current version) is as easy as right-clicking a file (see image)

enter image description here


  • It's free
  • has syntax highlighting, sidebar, auto-indent and many more.
  • cross-platform (should you ever switch)

Possible cons:

  • Probably not using Lion's versioning
  • Not exactly lightweight
  • Really targeted for web development, so less of a general text editor.