Killing explorer.exe when a process starts and restarting it when a process ends

I've had a similar problem with a game I have. You can easily create a short batch script that will kill and restartexplorer.exe and then run the batch script whne you want to start the game. Here's the script startgame.bat:

@echo off
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
Start explorer.exe

Obviously replace game.exe with your exe. Place the batch file next to your game exe and run it instead.

I've had similar problems with Diablo 2 on Windows 7. Got it fixed by setting the compatibility mode to Windows XP. Right click on the exe -> properties -> click the compatibility tab and from there you can enable the compatibility mode and choose which OS is most suitable for the program. This have saved me alot of times.

I was actually searching for the batch code to end explorer while executing a certain program. GTA IV is totally unplayable on my computer while explorer is running heh

if explorer dont start after exit game try:

taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe



///info to last line: or yours path to windows folder