Vagrant " VM not created." when trying to create box from existing VM

When you package a box, the box name has to be the specific machine name that you can get from VirtualBox (e.g. lucid_1372711888). Just execute following command in cmd:

vboxmanage list vms

Notice that "vboxmanage" should prior be added to PATH variable. See here how to do that.

Also notice that virtual maschine name must not contain spaces. Otherwise it won't be recognized by "vagrant package" command. For instance:

vagrant package --base win7_vbox_base --output #CORRECT
vagrant package --base win7 vbox base --output #INCORRECT

If you are in the folder that contains your Vagrantfile, you can also simply run:

vagrant package --output

The following image shows the content of the .box file created with this command:

Unpacket .box