IntelliJ keyboard shortcut for a particular run configuration

I have a JUnit run configuration to run all my unit tests.

How can I bind a keyboard shortcut to the run of that JUnit config?

There is now a third-party plug-in:

  • Run Configuration as Action

Workarounds without plug-ins:

  1. Use Run | Run... (Alt+Shift+F10) on Windows to quickly select the configuration to Run or Debug

  2. Run the tests from the Ant script target, IDEA allows to assign keyboard shortcuts for the selected targets in Settings | Keymap.

You can also create a Macro and assign a shortcut to that Macro as a workaround.

  1. Go to Edit | Macros | Start recording macro
  2. Press Alt+Shift+F10 to show Run dialog
  3. Start typing the name of the desired Run Configuration (Just type enough to distinguish it from other run configurations)
  4. Press Enter to run the Run Configuration
  5. Go to Edit | Macros | Stop recording macro and choose a proper name for recorded macro.
  6. Now you can assign a keyboard shortcut to your macro from the Preferences | Keymap (Type the name of recorded macro in the search box).