Word/phrase similar to bluster

I am looking for a phrase similar to bluster. Something like “he saw her ???? fade away”. I'm looking for a phrase that describes fake arrogance or sizing somone up and trying to show them that they don't meet your standards.

I am male, but I believe the situation is similar irrespective of your gender preferences. I want to describe a situation where I approach a girl and ask her to accompany me on a date. She looks at me like I'm a talking turd. She may like me, but she puts on a facade showing that she has better things to do, than listen to me. In hip hop slang, she may be said to be "fronting". Whats the proper English phrase or word to describe "fronting"?

Solution 1:

He saw her facade slip.

facade - a false appearance that makes someone or something seem more pleasant or better than they really are [emphasis mine].

Slang fronting is probably better described as posturing (a way of behaving that is intended to convey a false impression).

Solution 2:

Pomposity seems to fit the bill here.

A display of puffery intended to assert superiority without real justification.

Solution 3:

Here are a few alternatives:

intimidate, browbeat, bulldoze, cow, bully, bludgeon:

These verbs all mean to frighten into submission, compliance, or acquiescence.

Intimidate implies the presence or operation of a fear-inspiring force: "It [atomic energy] may intimidate the human race into bringing order into its international affairs" (Albert Einstein).

Browbeat suggests the persistent application of highhanded, disdainful, or imperious tactics: browbeating a witness.

Bulldoze connotes the leveling of all spirit of opposition: was bulldozed into hiring an unacceptable candidate.

Cow implies bringing out an abject state of timorousness and often demoralization: a dog that was cowed by abuse.

To bully is to intimidate through blustering, domineering, or threatening behavior: workers who were bullied into accepting a poor contract.

Bludgeon suggests the use of grossly aggressive or combative methods: had to be bludgeoned into fulfilling his duties.

Solution 4:

A possible candidate might be bravado:

A bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.