What is a good word for a tutor-student?

After asking this question on MathEducators.SE, I was struck by the absolute awkwardness of not having a word to refer to the student of a tutor. As you will notice, the question contains in its title the awkward phrase "tutor-student;" I would like to find a suitable replacement for that word in my day-to-day use [as I am a tutor!].

Question in short: What is the single-word equivalent for "tutor-student"?

Single word for tutor-student is tutee

may be you can simply call it student or pupil.

I've been tutoring for almost six years now. I always refer to my "tutees" or "tutored-students" as simply "my student(s)". SOMETIMES, there's confusion about whether or not I am a teacher (because I have "students"... therefore I must teach in a classroom) but more often than not, the context of the convo gives enough info for the person with whom I'm talking to to understand that ... no, I'm not a teacher.