Is it just me, or is this trick-ramp broken?

Solution 1:

Apparently it's you. I just played the track on Time Trial and hopped on the ramp on the left twice with a trick. The first time I jumped on the second tile (that's where the picture comes from) and the second time I jumped on the first one just to make sure, and I made a successful trick on both jumps.

enter image description here

Edit: Tried a third time, just to make sure:

enter image description here

Edit 2: You can never be too thorough with these experiments. Trying to be scientifically accurate, I tried to reproduce the jump under the same conditions: Yoshi, Pipe Frame car, Standard wheels (I think those are the ones you're using). The first time I was too slow since I stopped before the ramp to make sure I would go through the first tile and I didn't manage to make the jump. I thought you might have been on to something here, but the second time I went on with my normal speed and made the jump with a trick. I tried a third time and took a screenshot just to make sure, it works:

enter image description here