Creating Custom Overlay on the map

I am trying to replicate this feature of Maps in Android: Custom Map Overlay

You can see that on the map, there's a Circle depicting the range that the user has selected.

In my application, I'll also want a dragger to reside on the perimeter of the circle, which can be dragged to redefine radius.

If someone could tell me how to draw custom drawable overlays and 2D graphics over map, I can do other things on my own.


The full application can be reached at this link

Okay, I tried to do things on my Own, and put this code to get the above effect:

public class MarkerOverlay extends Overlay {

    Geocoder geoCoder = null;

    public MarkerOverlay() {

    public boolean onTap(GeoPoint geoPoint, MapView mapView){
        selectedLatitude = geoPoint.getLatitudeE6(); 
        selectedLongitude = geoPoint.getLongitudeE6();
        return super.onTap(geoPoint,mapView);

    public void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapV, boolean shadow){

            Projection projection = mapV.getProjection();
            Point pt = new Point();

            GeoPoint newGeos = new GeoPoint(selectedLat+(100),selectedLong); // adjust your radius accordingly
            Point pt2 = new Point();
            float circleRadius = Math.abs(pt2.y-pt.y);

            Paint circlePaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);

            canvas.drawCircle((float)pt.x, (float)pt.y, circleRadius, circlePaint);

            canvas.drawCircle((float)pt.x, (float)pt.y, circleRadius, circlePaint);

            Bitmap markerBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getApplicationContext().getResources(),;


This let me have following effect:

Effect on Map

The calculation used may not be what you want.
Its just for demonstration purposes.
Real range/distance calculation requires the use of bearing too and has some specific formula.
Let me know if you have any questions regarding this.

Extend the class ItemizedOverlay to override the draw() method. The Canvas where overlays are drawn is passed to that method and you can call drawCircle or anything that's needed to make your range dragger appear.