Do the Doom Bots of Doom have Hidden Bonuses?

So the new Coop-vs-AI Modus Doom Bots of Doom lets you play against "Unfair" Bots. All of them have enhanced abilities and after the second difficulty they also have Weird Passives (Seriously who the hell thinks that Swain ultimate makes a good passive??).

Now while most of the Additional Spells are shown in-game or at least in the patch notes (Additional champion abilities, Passives and Dragon-Teleport) I sometimes feel like the bots Have some extra Bonuses.

The 2 main things that come to my mind are: Better Scalings and More gold. I'm not 100% sure and I don't really have a source on this but I feel like the bots scale better with AP/AD and I also feel like they get more gold than the players (The bots farm is pretty crappy but they still manage to keep up in items somehow).

Are there any things like more damage, more gold or more resistance that aren't described in-game or in the patch notes that apply to these Bots?

most of the abilities you are looking for are described here, usually it's a mix of passives that you don't see at start, other than the normal co-op vs ai cheats (which i could not document): hope this helps