What is the range on Orisa's Halt if it hits an object?

Taken right from the Overwatch Gamepedia: (Minus the irrelevant parts to the question)

  • When the orb collides with a surface or when the ability is pressed again, after a ~0.6s delay, it quickly sucks in enemies within 7.5m, applies a brief slow, then dissipates.
  • The projectile itself goes through barriers, but the pull effect will not affect anyone behind a barrier.

No matter what it hits, or when it's reactivated, it always pulls enemies within the 7.5m range as long as they are in sight of it. If they get outside of it during that brief .6 second delay, they won't be pulled which could be where you see some discrepancy

Note: It can go through shields when launched/moving, but the shields only prohibit the pull upon activation, it doesn't actually impact/change the range of the ability.

The range at which an enemy can be "grabbed" by Orisa's halt is always the same and cannot be affected by any skills. Even if Orisa dies before reactivating the skill, the orb will still pull in enemies once it detonates after hitting an obstacle. However, the grab effect cannot go through walls or shields.