Excel 2010 on multi monitor screen

With office 2010 I would like to open two excel document on different monitor. The only way I achieved to do this was to widden the Excel main window over the both screen which is not very convenient because:

  • the mouse operation is not so easy.
  • it hides what is between the two excel sheet.

Excel 2007 used to perform this very easily with a multi window system. Is there a tricks for 2010?

Solution 1:

You can run multiple instances of Excel by selecting Excel in Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Excel 2010. Or better yet pin this to the start menu or quicklaunch/taskbar. You then have multiple instances.

If you then have the issue of opening Excel by double-clicking on an Excel file, then you can do the things related in this post Open Excel Files In New Window. I'm on Win7x64 and had to install Excel Launchpad. Worked like a champ!

[EDIT 12/2012: the utility is now called "Excel Launchpad", link updated]

[EDIT 7/2017: updated link]

Solution 2:

Another trick in Windows 7 is to Shift-Click the Excel item in the task bar to open a new instance.

Solution 3:

Got this from an outside source and thought I would share :) In Windows 7 you have to edit the registry to remove DDE completely. This should work for Vista too. Check the "Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)" box in Excel -> Excel Options -> Advanced This alone might work for you by itself - didn't for me, I got an error every time I double-clicked on an excel document. BACK UP your registry.

Open regedit, browse to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Sheet.8\shell\Open Delete the ddeexec key, (or just rename it if you are worried - i just renamed it and it worked) Then click on the "command" key and replace the /e on the Default and command string in that key with "%1" Quotes around %1 are important. NO QUOTES MEANS NO WORKIE!!!!

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Sheet.8\shell\Open\command should look like this: (Default) REG_SZ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE" "%1 command REG_MULTI_SZ vUpAVX!!!!!!!!!MKKSkEXCELFiles>tW{~$4Q]c@II=l2xaTO5 "%1"

Do the same for Excel.Sheet.12 Now Both .xls and .xlsx should open in new windows with no errors.

I have confirmed that the same problem occurs in Office 2010x64 (32bit probably also) when checking the dde option. This should fix All vista and windows 7 problems with opening excel in seperate windows :) Enjoy!

From: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/c42f825d-b7e8-48c8-b5af-30563b839f09/windows-7-cannot-run-multiple-instances-of-excel-using-ignore-other-applications-that-use-dde

Works for me!