Can I interchange my "Home, End" keys with "PageUp, PageDown" keys on dell latitude laptop?

The Home,End keys are at the top row in my laptop, and I use them most while selecting the entire line by pressing (Shift+Home, Shift+End) - it is very inconvenient. On the other hand, "PageUp, PageDown" keys are just below the Shift Key, and I don't use them at all.

Can I interchange my "PageUp" key with "Home" key and "PageDown" key with "End" key?

Is this possible using some software?

Since you are on Windows, I recommend AutoHotkey.

Once installed you can remap Home to PageUp, End to PageDown, and vice versa, with a simple AutoHotKey script.

Just create a text file called remapKeys.ahk and execute (double click) it:



  • AutoHotkey
  • Remapping Keys and Buttons

Building on iglvzx's answer about AutoHotKey, another option is to set up the arrow keys to act as PageUp, PageDown, Home, and End when the right shift keys is being pressed:

+Up::send {RShift Up}{PgUp}
+Down::send {RShift Up}{PgDn}
+Left::send {RShift Up}{Home}
+Right::send {RShift Up}{End}


SharpKeys is a powerful tool that will automatically edit your registry to rebind keys. It won't need to run in the background like Auto Hot Key does.