Word meaning "without my asking"

There is a specific word meaning 'without my asking' and I cannot seem to recall it whatsoever. Used in a sentence: "she told me all about her personal life 'without my asking."

Solution 1:

spontaneous: Happening or arising without apparent external cause; self-generated; coming or resulting from a natural impulse or tendency; without effort or premeditation.

unsolicited: Not looked for or requested; unsought.

unprompted: proceeding from natural feeling or impulse without external stimulus.

unasked: not asked for; unrequested: not asked for.

Solution 2:

Another alternative would be unbidden.

Solution 3:

unsolicited : given or supplied without being requested or asked for

This is exactly the word you're looking for.

This adjective is used fairly often with nouns like advice and information.

Solution 4:

Voluntarily could be useful in some contexts.