MacOS Messages App Won't Send to Non-Apple Phones

On my mac I used to be able to send to other mobile devices from my iMessage but now it won't send to phone numbers. It sends to iMessages and emails but not non-iOS phone numbers.

I've tried to delete the iCloud account from my Mac and re-enable it.

I've also done the same on my phone.

Still getting the name highlighted in red

Solution 1:

Simple first-try fix for a 'red name' above the iMessage pane is click it & reselect the correct contact type/number/email - even if it's the same as the current top line, select it again from lower down the list.

Even if the number cannot accept 'blue' iMessages, it will make the system try again.

Also -
Make sure you have turned on Text Message Forwarding in the Messages settings on your phone. A reset may disable this.

For further options, try

Solution 2:

I just toggle the switch in my iPhone's iMessage settings, iMessage

Solution 3:

I had a similar issue, though I was no longer able to send to any other device (iMessage or non-Apple). Similar to a couple of others here, it ended up being that Text Message Forwarding was disabled. I don't recall turning it off so either I forgot I did or it was reset during an update.

Select Settings > Messages > Text Message Forwarding. Select your mac or iPad and then enter the numeric code that your phone sends to that device.