jquery: if (target) is child of ('.wrapper') then (do something)

if($(target).parents('.wrapper').length > 0) {
   //do something...

.has() is maybe the mose convenient syntax:

if( $('.wrapper').has($(target)) ) {
     // do something

Even more 'powerful' (in terms of performance) is $.contains(). So an ideal algorithm should look like:

var $wrapper =  $('.wrapper'),
    $target  =  $(this).attr('href');

if( $.contains($wrapper[0], $target[0]) ) {
    // do something

Reference: .has(), $.contains()

Here's a tidier way: bind it as a jQuery plugin. You might find it be easier to understand and use.

   $.fn.isChildOf = function(element)
    return $(element).has(this).length > 0;


    if ( $('.target').isChildOf('.wrapper') ) {
      //do all the things.

Small change to Jacob's code, if the child is deeper than one level in.

if($(target).parents('.wrapper').length) {
   //do something...

you can use parent or parents method like in the links

