As of .NET 4.0 you can use the System.Numerics.BigInteger class. See documentation here:

Another alternative is the IntX class.

IntX is an arbitrary precision integers library written in pure C# 2.0 with fast - O(N * log N) - multiplication/division algorithms implementation. It provides all the basic operations on integers like addition, multiplication, comparing, bitwise shifting etc.

F# also ships with one. You can get it at Microsoft.FSharp.Math.

The System.Numerics.BigInteger class in .NET 4.0 is based on Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Common.BigInteger from Microsoft Research.

The Solver Foundation's BigInteger class looks very performant. I am not sure about which license it is released under, but you can get it here (download and install Solver Foundation and find the Microsoft.Solver.Foundation.dll).

I reckon you could optimize the implementation if you perform all the operations on BigInts that are going to return results smaller than a native type (Eg. int64) on the native types and only deal with the big array if you are going to overflow.

edit This implementation on codeproject, seems only 7 times slower ... But with the above optimization you could get it to perform almost identically to native types for small numbers.