Is replacing a dead worker chosen randomly?

In many guides you can read that you should place some buildings near working places (e.g. farmers).

So when one farmer dies, he is replaced by one worker.

Is then one of those workers chosen by their distance of their home to their new working place or is it chosen randomly?

Because if its not, this advice wouldn't be that good for big cities. :)

I can't find the source, but I read replacement workers are chosen randomly. But you can force a 'smart' reassignation by :

  • pausing
  • setting all your workers to labourers
  • unpausing a few seconds
  • reassigning your workers

Do not unassign your teachers, otherwise all the students will leave school.

And I have a source for that : !

So the advice is good even for big cities, if you take the time to do the smart reassignation.