How can I mount a Rackspace Cloud Files as a drive on a Mac & PC?

I want to have seamless access to my Rackspace files on my laptops.

How do I mount my Rackspace as a drive?

Cloudberry has a product with a free demo.

Map Cloud Storage as a Network Drive

CloudBerry Drive beta maps your cloud storage as a local disk to access and edit files in the cloud directly from the Windows Explorer interface.

CloudBerry Drive comes with an easy installation and configuration that seamlessly integrates cloud storage as a virtual disk with the Windows environment.

I use cloudfuse to do that on Linux, and I use bonkey for backing up to Cloud Files on Windows, which also runs on Macs. It's not quite what you asked for, but I thought they may be useful to you, and others who read this.

You can also acess Rackspace Cloud Files using any file transfer tool with HTTPS support, like cURL or Cyberduck.

There is also Interarchy, for the Mac, but I have no experience with that.

Additionally: Since I originally answered this I have been using SMEStorage Cloud, which is quite amazing. It allows you to connect to many different storage providers and your own servers through different methods, and move files between them. There are browser extensions and you get two free providers, which you can choose, and some free Amazon S3 storage space.