Is there a way to hide a Folder on the Desktop without '.dot' naming? [duplicate]

You can create a file called .hidden and write the names of the files you want to hide in it.


  • /home/user/Desktop/file1
  • /home/user/Desktop/file2

CREATE .hidden file, echo file1 > /home/user/Desktop/.hidden


  • /home/user/Desktop/file1 (HIDDEN)
  • /home/user/Desktop/file2
  • /home/user/Desktop/.hidden (HIDDEN)

No file got moved nor renamed.

Yes, it is possible. But the problem is that then you won't be able to see any icon on your desktop, but will be able to see everything in /home/user/Desktop.

The trick is fairly simple and straightforward:

  • Install gnome-tweak-tool:

    sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool
  • Run gnome-tweak-tool and click on Desktop option. Turn "Have file manager handle the desktop" to off.
    gnome-tweak-tool disabling icons

And you're good to go!