Black icons after reinstalling Kubuntu desktop

After upgrading from Kubuntu 20.04 to Kubuntu 20.10, I could not login as it just showed a black screen after boot. So I switched to command line and reinstalled Kubuntu desktop with sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop kde-*. After that, i was able to login and can use all applications but the icons and background of input boxes of system apps have turned black as shown below

enter image description here

Notice the black squares at the bottom right in the system tray, they used to be icons for Volume, Network, Bluetooth, etc. I can however click them and they behave as they used to. Also the desktop apps' icons are black.

enter image description here

Notice the input fields at the right of Layout, Wallpaer type and also the button backgrounds of the window.

After looking at some logs I noticed that Akonadi server was not starting up because of an unknown MySQL error and installed MariaDb as i read somewhere that it might help. Now I can start Akonadi server with akonadictl manually but still the same issue. I restarted plasma with kquitapp5 plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell but still same issue. Also Akonadi does not start automatically when session begins.

Found the solution here, as per the link in the link:

Replacing libqt5quick5-gles with libqt5quick5 solved my problem

so make a: sudo apt install libqt5quick5 it worked for me on debian

I encountered the same problem on Debian bullseye after a full-upgrade. The solution as pointed out by LuisF was to remove libqt5quick5-gles and then install libqt5quick5.

sudo service sddm stop
sudo apt remove libqt5quick5-gles
sudo apt install libqt5quick5
sudo service sddm start

The solution is to install libqt5quick5, as given in other answers, regardless of whether libqt5quick5-gles was installed or not. Removing it, if it exists, is still necessary, because they conflict with each other.

On a failed upgrade from 20.10 to 21.04, I had the same symptoms, and the system couldn't automatically fix it. Installing libqt5quick5 with an sddm restart fixed it without a reboot.