What GTK widget is this?

Lately, I've seen the widget below appear in GTK applications. I can't find it in Glade. What is it?

enter image description here

Solution 1:

Looking at the Totem code, it looks like a set of GktButtons inside a GtkToolbar, with a CSS style applied and using symbolic icons (which are also installed by the theme in Ubuntu) instead of the stock ones.

Here's an example in Python

# Assuming builder is an initialized Gtk.Builder object and toolbar exists
# in the .ui definition file and is populated with Gtk.ToolButtons

context = builder.get_object('toolbar').get_style_context()

More info on GTK+ 3 CSS styles:

  • The GNOME journal: styling GTK with CSS
  • GtkCssProvider documentation

Solution 2:

It is buttons on ".inline-toolbar"..