How to access the Wi-Fi password through Terminal?
I am at my school and the computer I am currently using is connected to a Wi-Fi network. I want to know the Wi-Fi password and I am on a Mac. I know there is a way to do it through Terminal.
What I am using is:
security find-generic-password -ga AirPort
I use that to find the password if it is in a keychain, but I know there is another way to do it. My friend who is a coder told me their is but they said they wont help me. All they told me was "generic" was a hint. I used "generic" in my command but I don't get it.
I tried your answer but it keeps asking my for the admin password. I am connected to the wifi but it still wont work. My coding friend looked at this and said I'm not looking for a AirPort password I'm looking for a regular password.
security find-generic-password -D "AirPort network password" -a $SSID -g | grep "password:"
Replace $SSID
with the SSID (the network name) of the network that you wish to obtain the key of.
This command looks for all keys with a type of "AirPort network password" and searches for the key with the name of the SSID that you provide.
I think what you're actually looking for is this:
security find-generic-password -ga "ROUTERNAME" | grep "password:"
You'll get in response something like:
password: "ThePassword"
You can also use the flag -w
to show only the raw password and avoid any extra grep
, like so:
security find-generic-password -wga "ROUTERNAME"
Which in the above example would simply return:
Hope this helps!
I'm not sure what version of OS X the other answer or original question is for but it's not accurate on 10.10 Mavericks. You need this:
security find-generic-password -D "802.1X Password"
Maybe networks using actual Apple AirPort hardware are saved in the keychain Differently?
get the SSID of current wireless network (use
)/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I agrCtlRSSI: -51 agrExtRSSI: 0 agrCtlNoise: -93 agrExtNoise: 0 state: running op mode: station lastTxRate: 130 maxRate: 217 lastAssocStatus: 0 802.11 auth: open link auth: wpa2-psk BSSID: 0:31:c2:41:53:14 SSID: DansLeVille MCS: 15 channel: 5
But if you want to get all wifis in your area, (use
)/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -s SSID BSSID RSSI CHANNEL HT CC SECURITY (auth/unicast/group) America_Online 00:71:c2:9a:11:b0 -86 1 Y US WPA(PSK/AES,TKIP/TKIP) WPA2(PSK/AES,TKIP/TKIP) xfinitywifi 00:71:c2:9a:11:b2 -72 1 Y US NONE xfinitywifi 84:00:2d:78:ee:ea -56 11 Y US NONE amber 74:1b:b2:d5:93:a9 -53 104 Y US WPA2(PSK/AES/AES) xfinitywifi 74:85:2a:a9:f3:4a -66 11 Y US NONE HOME-1A17-2.4 74:85:2a:a9:f3:48 -66 11 Y US WPA(PSK/AES,TKIP/TKIP) WPA2(PSK/AES,TKIP/TKIP) Cooper Works Streaming 90:a7:c1:b9:6c:37 -50 11,-1 Y -- WPA(PSK/AES,TKIP/TKIP) WPA2(PSK/AES,TKIP/TKIP) amber 74:1b:b2:d5:93:a8 -49 11 Y US WPA2(PSK/AES/AES)
get the password for wireless
sudo security find-generic-password -D "AirPort network password" -a YOUR_SSID_NAME -g | grep password: password: "pseudononymous1234!!!"
You see the
at the end. -