Creating a shadow copy using the "Backup" context in a PowerShell

Solution 1:

Okay, Technoob1984 here with the scoop. See my attached screen shot.

This one is tricky, because you have to use x64 version of Powershell (located under system32 not wow64)

The Shadow Copy Context are the .properties of the object.

Also I used the static method in my screenshots below.

# get existing shadow copies
$shadow = get-wmiobject win32_shadowcopy
"There are {0} shadow copies on this sytem" -f $shadow.count

# get static method

# create a new shadow copy
"Creating a new shadow copy"
$class.create("C:\", "ClientAccessible")

# Count again
$shadow = get-wmiobject win32_shadowcopy

so in the example there, you would want to use $class.Properties to see what you can use as a Shadow Context.

See my screen shot: enter image description here

So Shadow Context is 'Caption, Count, Description' and anything else under the 'Name:' value of .Properties. I do not see 'Backup' as one of the options.

  • Enjoy