Re-enabling prompt for trusting a driver in Windows 7?

To be properly installed in Windows 7, a hardware driver must have a Setup Information file (with the extension .inf). This is a text file that contains detailed information about the device to be installed, including the names of its driver files, the locations where they are to be installed, any required registry settings, and version information.

All devices with drivers in the DriverStore folder include Setup Information files in the %SystemRoot%\Inf folder. The basic structure of a Setup Information file is similar to an old-fashioned Windows 3.x–style .ini file. Each piece of setup information appears on its own line under a bracketed section heading. Windows will not allow the driver package to be copied into the driver store unless these sections are present and filled in correctly.

In particular, an .inf file must contain valid [SourceDisksFiles] and [SourceDisksNames] sections. At the time the .inf file is copied into the driver store, Windows creates a folder for the driver files using the name of the .inf file with an eight-character hash appended to it.

You should delete the .ini file - make a backup first.


More info about signed drivers in Windows 7:

The answer is wrong... the correct way to do this is to run the Certificate Manager and remove the certificate from the Trusted Publishers node.

Open a run box and type


Hit OK

It should be in the Trusted Publishers folder.