Meaning of "steady-as-she-goes financial package"

I was reading this article and I'm not sure about the meaning of this sentence:

Despite rise in inflation and borrowing, chancellor to court medium earners in 'steady-as-she-goes' financial package

Could you explain me what the author meant by "steady-as-she-goes" financial package?

Could it be something like "a financial package that is congruent with previous economic policies"?

PS: Is this kind of question appropriate for this site?

Solution 1:

It was originally a maritime expression, where she refers to a vessel and it is an instruction to maintain the current course. So the author is saying that with this budget, the chancellor is continuing in the same policy direction.

Solution 2:

The original expression refers to a ship (hence she), and means to keep on a steady course. A discussion thread here says:

It is an instruction from the captain to the helmsman of a ship, to keep the ship heading steadily on the same course regardless of gusts of wind or cross-currents.