How will the changes to Stimpack's research time affect the 3 Rax Timing Push?

As I understand it, one of the core ideas behind the 3 Rax Timing Push is to have your army at your opponent's doorstep as Stimpack finishes, or at least have it completed as your army pushes outwards. However, the 1.3 Patch includes the following change:

Stimpack upgrade research time increased from 140 to 170 seconds.

30 seconds is a long time in Starcraft 2. As a result of this change, would it be reasonable to change the push timing to rely on another upgrade, such as Combat Shields? Will the 3 Rax push become less viable? How else could this change affect this tactic?

Solution 1:

Sure 30 seconds is a long time, and yes this will affect the timing push, but given the strength of Stim pushes, the effect can only play out in one of two ways:

  1. Earlier Stim research.
  2. Later push timing

A later push timing will likely mean a much stronger push around 6:30, while an earlier Stim will mean a slightly weaker Terran defense against earlier rushes.

Ultimately, while 3 Rax timing correlates with Stim finishing, the build itself is unlikely to significantly change.

Solution 2:

Actually I see that's a lot of changes and we'll need to learn the game again

As for marines: yes, this push will be modified (i.e. it'll be with +1 attack) or even abandoned

Let's wait for path and see how pro-gamers will handle it ^_^

For viewers: 1.3 patch described here.