Block µTorrent ads

Solution 1:

As per this post:

Luckily, we can simply block the uTorrent ad servers at system-level, editing the hosts file. Using the free network analyzer Wireshark I easily discovered which servers uTorrent connects to, to fetch the ads.

To block those ads, first quit uTorrent. Then open the /etc/hosts file with your favorite text-editor (you’ll need root privileges) and append the following lines:

Next, trash the ~/Library/Caches/com.bittorrent.uTorrent folder in order to get rid of any cached ads. Now restart uTorrent, et voila: the ads are gone!

Solution 2:

one option is to just hide the sidebar

View>Hide Sidebar

Solution 3:

The solution for the ad removal is to remove the new uTorrent and install the older version of the app. You can get it from the site below.

uTorrent 1.8.4