Minecraft Lan Commands
This is most likely because the server commands are limited to Ops of the server. Your Aunt will need to add your Minecraft username to a text file called "ops.txt"
located in the server files.
As for it only happening in the current version, I've searched around a bit but couldn't find anything specifying a change related to this but my guess is that when the server upgraded to the current version the settings were reset, whether this was intentional or not I don't know.
Adding the name to the "ops.txt"
should work though.
Create the world with cheats allowed, then open to LAN in the settings once in the world and allow cheats! Then you both will have commands. To make it so you have more commands download "moreCommands mod" add to .MineCraft/mod folder then it will give you the commands that you want like a server has such as /home /back and 100+ more commands depending what version of MC you are running!